What i saw
I was chest deep in an ice cold and rushing creek. There was no easy way of getting where I wanted to be and naturally, where I wanted to be was the most difficult spot to get to. There was even a pre-shoot discussion between myself and the videographer on what we would do if me and my camera ate it.
She sure didn't want to get in and I was even debating as I looked down at my dry road trip clothes, knowing we would be getting back in the car and driving for hours to our sleeping place for the night. I thought how this was a once in a lifetime shoot, about the thousands and thousands of miles I had traveled. Next thing you know, I was wading to where I needed to be. Up to my knees, then hips, then chest, then shoulders- with all of the air sucked out of my lungs from how cold it was.
We had a game plan discussed before we started shooting where I had told survivalist Sasha to come round that bend as fast as she safely could, horse willing, with her bow raised to capture the essence of a fight or a hunt scene. I was sitting at this point, my left shoulder settled into the river rock with the creek rushing over my entire body, my feet lodged just so to keep the water from taking me downstream and my camera lowered to the water line. I heard the water crashing before I could see the horse, I got ready. And around that bend she came on Epona. This is what I saw.
November 8th, 2024